Claire has finally arrived.... And boy (or gal in this case) was it a long wait.
When we arrived at the hospital delivery suite in the morning, we were half expecting a rather slow induction process. But what unravelled was even beyond our scariest thoughts. The gynae checked Mummy, she found Mummy to be sufficiently dilated for the water bag to be burst. She then proceeded to burst the water bag, and this was very very painful according to Mummy. After the initial shock and pain from the bursting of the water bag, Mummy was adequately convinced to opt for the epidural. Then came the agonising wait....
As the IV drip was introducing a contraction-inducing drug into Mummy's bloodstream, and the epidural was relieving some of the initial pain and discomfort, both Mummy and Daddy waited patiently in the delivery suite for the labour process to commence. As you must have guessed, this process took longer than expected, 12 hrs in total! But it didn't end there. After a 12hr wait, with rapidly intensifying contractions towards the last 2 hrs, Mummy was still not dilated sufficiently for her to "push". The amniotic fluid had already started draining once the water bag had been burst, and baby's protective shield had been slowly thinning. She was also being exposed to the world outside. This meant that if we were to wait any longer, the risk of infection for baby and mummy would increase significantly. After deliberation with the gynae's advise, Mummy and Daddy decided to go for a caesarean.
Daddy was advised that the entire operation would take an hour or so, so he decided that the wait outside the OT would be too much to take after an entire day of waiting, and proceeded for some dinner. He was not even halfway through his dinner that the nurse called his mobile and told him Claire was here! He rushed to see Claire, and here's his first glimpse of her.
She's sooo sweet. She wasn't crying, but was squinting her eyes to take a reciprocal inaugural view of the world outside. She seems like she's winking at us in this picture, adorable huh? That was Day 0.
Pensive Claire
This was her during Day 1. After a very satisfying feed by Mummy, she decided to ponder on a few things, namely what time her next feed is gonna be, when is this bespectacled guy gonna stop kissing me, and when will i get to play with all the toys that her relatives and Mummy's and Daddy's frens have given me? Here's a picture of Claire with Mummy and Daddy.
This was her during Day 1. After a very satisfying feed by Mummy, she decided to ponder on a few things, namely what time her next feed is gonna be, when is this bespectacled guy gonna stop kissing me, and when will i get to play with all the toys that her relatives and Mummy's and Daddy's frens have given me? Here's a picture of Claire with Mummy and Daddy.
"Lead role" Claire with a tired-looking Mummy and Daddy
Well, Claire's stirring now, and i'll have to fulfill my fatherly role. So, pls stay tuned for more updates on Claire and her family. Here's a short video showing her homecoming after a nice long comfortable stay in the hospital from Monday till Sunday. This is also her first car ride.
Well, Claire's stirring now, and i'll have to fulfill my fatherly role. So, pls stay tuned for more updates on Claire and her family. Here's a short video showing her homecoming after a nice long comfortable stay in the hospital from Monday till Sunday. This is also her first car ride.
Till then do take care and watch this space. We thank all the nice aunties and uncles, great aunties and uncles for their generosity and well wishes. And also both sets of grandma and grandpa for their care and concern, and unfaltering support during the last few days. We wouldn't have done it without you guys.
Claire, Mummy and Daddy
Claire, Mummy and Daddy