Sunday, July 22, 2007

New addition, New furniture, Same close family&frens


At a recent solemnisation which both Mummy and Daddy attended, we were interrogated on why our blog wasn't updated recently. Well, you know, we were busy with buying new furniture, getting ready for Claire's arrival dot dot dot. But, the truth probably is that we were too lazy to update it. Excuses excuses excuses, before I start procrastinating more, let me just get down to this update.

Claire's Stroller
Claire's Carseat

Like i mentioned in my previous post, we've been busy buying stuff for Claire. The range of things to buy is really so diverse, and after much head-scratching and some hair-pulling, we finally decided on these 2 items (in the exact colours shown above). Don't they look nice and comfy for Claire? That's 2 major items struck off the shopping list, and if you include all the nice baby clothes from all of Claire's nice aunties(oh boy, that sounds really bad), now all that we "just' have to get are the cot, beddings, diapers, diaper creams, bottle steriliser. Easy-peasy huh. I think more head-scratching and hair-pulling days are coming along....

We also bought a nice new bed and mattress from Mattress Atrium in Furniture Mall. We had our eye on the bed as it had a really classic look and had storage space beneath the mattress. So we walked around a bit more to consider further and to look at other designs. But when we returned to confirm our buy, the salesman (who has a very very glib tongue) managed to convince us that the water bed (which we were also looking at) would not be suitable for a post-delivery mother. He then attempted to package the bed and mattress together for a better price, under the guise that he was going to close the shipment container the next day, and didn't want to under-utilise the space in the container. He claimed the bed was from Australia, and the mattress from Switzerland. Shock shock shock. After some checks on the net, some other people claimed that the mattress brand was made in China, and just a re-packaging of some other mattresses. On hindsight, it does seem too good a deal when the price that he was giving us was almost 50% off the printed rate.

Anyway, that just goes to show how treacherous furniture shopping (and baby stuff shopping) can be. Every salesman has his own story and theory to tell. One says water beds provide the best support for pregnant women, another says water beds are totally unsuitable. And... all try to hard sell their wares! Sigh... I guess these people are also out to earn their living as well, so it's up to us, discerning and "once bitten, twice shy" consumers to spread the word around. I myself subscribe to the theory that if you like it, and it feels good, then go for it.

Now, after all that i've read on the net, I'm just trying to convince myself that the bed is nice and of good quality (which we witnessed ourselves in the stall), and that the mattress is comfortable for post-pregnancy mums and hardy (comfortable yes, hardiness unknown).

Ok, enough about Mummy's and Daddy's furniture-hunting exploits. Congrats to E and W on their solemnisation. It was a symbolic and yet simple manner of ending the bf-gf phase, and starting the husband-wife phase. We really enjoyed ourselves, but unfortunately had to leave early to attend another fren's farewell dinner. We really liked the Kashmir rugs, the vids on the tv, and the jacuzzi. More bbq's at your place then.... Ha!

And in 2 weeks time, R will be departing for his MBA in the states. Best wishes to him from all three of us!

This is a poignant moment, just when we're about to welcome our newest addition into our family, some of our closest frens are leaving for studies and/or work elsewhere. We'll continue to keep all updated on the happenings in our family, and also kay-poh on your friendster / blogs / facebook (which someone is trying to hardsell me) etc.... Do take very good care of yourselves, and comment on this blog so that we know we've not missed you out, or email either one of us. We really treasure the friendship and camaraderie, and look forward to keeping in touch, and many more fun days ahead.

Our baby ticker

Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker